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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


It's POST IT NOTE day!
on twitter use:


ive missed this so much, its soooooo damn fun!!!!!!!! 

go do it!!!!!!!!!!


Lisa said...

LOVE the one about posting random post it notes on people! I have one in particular I'd like to post on someone but the bitch probably wouldn't stand still long enough!

Sammy said...

Love your post-its!
Especial about soda. I gave it up for lent, too. I am craving Dr Pepper haha!

BNM said...

Thats funny you said that! Angel from Angel Believes started a new blog where her and some others DO actually go put random post it notes in places!! Its called a note a day or something like that.

The Drama Mama said...

Hahahaha. Your post-its are great! I love the one about posting random thoughts on people! THanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower!

Life Without Pink said...

Love your notes! I agree I can't keep up with this social media stuff...try but too damn hard. And you will be going to Vegas, JEALOUS!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Yara said...

I totally wanna leave post it notes on people! Wish we could... wish we could.
HAve fun in Vegas & thanks for stopping by my blog <3

MommyLisa said...


Shell said...

It would be fun to slap post its on people irl!

I think Subway probably puts lots of sugar in their vinegar. :(

Carol said...

Tanning beds and post it notes? Best post ever!

Kmama said...

I'm finally paying you a visit after you left me a comment on my "I'm a Working Mom" post last week. Sorry for the belated visit!!

I so wish I could leave post-it's on people too!! How fun would that be??

ThoseDarnGillespies said...

It would be Awesome if we could put post it notes on people! Hm...